Frequently Asked Questions

Does Consumer Duty affect you?

It most certainly does! Responsibilities under Consumer Duty cover the end to end mortgage or protection lifecycle, and we've worked hard to look at our processes where we have touchpoints or contact with a client, to ensure that we're upholding the principles.

How do I get cases across to you?

We've tried to keep the submission process as simple as possible. All you need to do is visit the submission page, fill in some basic details; who you are, what you'd like us to do for you, attach any documents or notes for the case. When you submit, this creates a case in our back office processing system and is picked up by the team. Sending documents by email shouldnt be regarded as secure, if you need to send us anything else in support of the case, just revisit the submission page, select additional documents on the dropdown, we'll then tie it up with the original submission.

Do you have any minimum levels of business I need to send across?

Simple answer is no. We scale the size of the team in Tamed to match the average submissions received from the firms we work with, so when they're busy this may mean that we have to prioritise cases from those firms who have opted to guarantee their processing with us via a retainer.

What is a retainer?

It's basically a commitment to use Tamed for a certain number of cases each month. We work closely with our firms when setting the retainer and in regular quarterly reviews to make sure it's set at the right level for the firm, and for Tamed, to ensure we can honour our processing commitment. It's particularly important if you're an AR, and have specific timescales laid down by your compliance to process the case, that you choose a supplier who is able to support your need.

Are there any other charges?

Depending on what mortgage sourcing software or protection comparison site you're using, or network CRM, there may be an additional licence fee for an administrator to have access. Rather than integrate this into the cost of each case, which would penalise larger producing firms, we ask that this cost is met by the firm. 

If we need multiple licences as a result of us processing large volumes of cases, we'll pick up that cost, but we'll discuss that with the firm in a quarterly review.

Do you have any contact with my clients?

Depending on which service you've asked for, yes we can give updates to your clients, or request additional information from them to pass onto the mortgage or protection provider. As your client may get confused who they're dealing with, we have a dedicated email domain to send and receive from, www.advicesupport.co.uk, which we ask you to introduce to your client as part of your privacy disclosure and discussions about data protection. 

Will I have the same administrator for every case?

Having just one person who can handle your cases could cause delays, and cause cases to be processed outside of compliance timescales, if that person is on holiday or off sick. To avoid this single person dependency of you being assigned an administrator, all our cases can be picked up by anyone in the processing and support team.

I'm sending you lots of client data, is this secure?

All our systems in Tamed HO use 256-AES full encryption.

The third party systems we use to store client data whilst it's being worked on by the team also use 256-AES. This may just be a number to some, but we're assured it's the current strongest encryption commercially available. Data is stored within the EU in accordance with GDPR guidelines, with the main data center in Frankfurt, and a redundancy and backup site in Dublin.
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